Episode 148: Is Lack of Intentionality in Workplace Culture Threatening Your Organization’s Longevity?

Episode 148: Is Lack of Intentionality in Workplace Culture Threatening Your Organization’s Longevity? 150 150 America's Jobs Team

“Be passionate about the culture and the business, and remain positive because it inspires others.” –Barry Liber

Did the last 18 months have a negative effect on the way you and your team experience work together? Is the culture feeling a little crunchy right now? And do you have a plan on pulling the train back on track?

Faye Davis and Carla Sones dive into why many workplaces are experiencing culture struggles in the aftermath of all the changes over the last year and a half. When the culture at an organization is subjected to a lot of change, there is the danger that intentionality behind culture practices goes out the window. When we lose control of our culture strategy, it then becomes a culture by default. And that is not the place where innovation and engagement thrive.

So how can leaders flip the script and reset a culture that may have fallen by the wayside over time? Tune in to today’s episode to learn about why an intentional workplace culture is important, how you can get started on strategically engaging your team, and what the benefits and payoffs will be in the short term and long term.

America’s Jobs Team is sponsored by Research on Investment / Gazelle.ai