Episode 122: Did You Know Your “Meh” Feeling Has a Name? And Are You Ready to Conquer It?

Episode 122: Did You Know Your “Meh” Feeling Has a Name? And Are You Ready to Conquer It? 150 150 America's Jobs Team

“Languishing is a sense of stagnation and emptiness. And it might be the dominant emotion of 2021.” –Adam Grant

If you are feeling a bit aimless, a little blah in your life right now, know that you’re not alone. It’s called languishing and it’s so prominent right now that the New York Times wrote a whole article about it and how it may be the dominant emotion of 2021. Languishing is the middle ground of mental health; it’s that feeling of stagnation and lack of joy. The absence of well-being.

Knowing that economic development organizations are not immune to this increasingly pervasive feeling, Carla Sones and Faye Davis dive into how languishing shows up, but more importantly how to navigate yourself out of it. The goal is to get to flourishing, the coveted peak of mental health. That may feel like a bit of a stretch-goal right now, but Carla and Faye talk through several easy to implement steps to get you climbing out of the blah zone and on your way to flourishing yet again.

Do you want to hear more about assessing yourself, the concept of flow as an antidote to stagnation, re-learning how to celebrate, implementing new routines, and cultivating grace for yourself? Tune in now!

America’s Jobs Team is sponsored by Research on Investment / Gazelle.ai