Episode 164: Take a Vacation and Reap the Personal and Professional Benefits!

Episode 164: Take a Vacation and Reap the Personal and Professional Benefits! 150 150 America's Jobs Team

“As you grow older, you learn a few things. One of them is to actually take the time you’ve allotted for vacation.” –John Battelle

We hear more and more about employee burnout from the companies we work with. So why are so many days of time off going unused?

On this episode, Faye Davis talks with Carla Sones about how to increase productivity by going on a vacation and all of the other benefits from taking a break from work. We all know that taking a vacation doesn’t erase the challenges that are on the table, but stepping away does give us a new perspective. When we take time to get refreshed, we often see an increase in motivation.

We know that taking a vacation can re-energize and realign our personal lives, but the same is true professionally. Taking time to de-stress allows us to bring our full selves to the table when we need to. Tune in today to hear the importance of taking a step back and relaxing!


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