Episode 150: Do You Utilize Your Natural Talents to Drive Informal Authority?

Episode 150: Do You Utilize Your Natural Talents to Drive Informal Authority? 150 150 America's Jobs Team

“Leadership is an action, not a position.” –Donald McGannon

Do you ever find yourself looking to a coworker for leadership or advice on a project? Do you see yourself stepping into that role for your teammates? As economic developers, we often find ourselves in roles of authority that shift with project needs.

Today, Faye Davis talks with Carla Sones about informal authority that comes from below. This authority doesn’t come from a specific title or from leadership appointing you; it comes from others seeing that skill in you. When you have a team that is united around the same goal, we often see leadership being flexible as our natural talents are utilized. Economic developers frequently work on deals that we don’t have written authority on, but our expertise carries the authority. We have significant opportunity to shape our communities that takes more people than just the leaders with appointed titles.

As our year comes to a close, Faye and Carla talk about shifting your perspective to the next year. Sometimes, we find ourselves eager for the next opportunities and forget to stay present. How do we finish what we’ve started in the calendar year when the next year beckons excitement? Listen today to hear more!

America’s Jobs Team is sponsored by Research on Investment / Gazelle.ai